Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's been a while...

Hey guys!

I know it's been over two months since my last post. I've been getting a lot of complaints from anonymous people about how disappointed they are that their son doesn't update, so I figure it's time! (Haha)

To start, I feel great. A couple weeks ago I came down with a pretty serious case of tonsilitis, but I'm happy to say I've fully recovered.

So what else is new? Well, my computer completely crashed. For the techies out there, the Hard Drive can't boot. I have literally tried everything, even down to opening cmd.exe and prompting Format C:.... still, there's a hardware problem. There's no solution but a new hard drive which Dell will install when I return to Canada. Good thing I have awesome flatmates; they're really good about lending me their computers to finish my work, (I still have one assignment left this year, due in 3 days :|) I hope it goes well!

On a positive note, I received notice a couple of days ago that I was accepted as a Residence Advisor for next year, which I'm really excited for!

Well, who decided to show up in Graz but my parents! Graz was the second stop on their European adventure (after Vienna). Then they travelled with their long-time travel friends Rob and Vera to Salzburg, (all three cities are in Austria, if you didn't know!) then they went West to Switzerland (more specifically, Bern) for a couple days, and headed along to France, passing in Beaune, and finally in Paris.
They said the trip was wonderful, and I suspect Graz was their favourite stop! (Haha, not.) But in all seriousness, it was fantastic having them here to see what my life here is like. I think they were a little jealous, and keep insisting that if I don't show them my university (which is on the other side of the city) then they won't believe I'm actually studying here.
They didn't see it.

Happy to see them after a long long while!

Breakfast before they took off for Salzburg!

My travelling days are pretty much over now. I've been to a lot of beautiful places and have seen some wonderful things. Most recently I went to Bratislava with some friends for a couple days. It was really nice going to somewhere that we know (my flatmates live in Slovakia, near Bratislava) so it was a very first-hand experience. And it was amazing. You've never seen such inexpensive restaurants in your life. Traditional Slovakian food at a good restaurant, enough that you can't finish it, for 4-5 euro with a beer. Some pictures are below!

Landscape beyond a castle ruin.

I was in the city center when Slovakia played Czech (and won). GOAL SLOVAKIA!

Team Slovakia. In this picture you will find Two Slovakian boys, One Spanish Boy, Two French (one girl one boy) and Three Canadians. Can you find them all?

The weather here is weather. That is all I will say on the subject. Austria doesn't understand "April showers bring May flowers". It feels like their expression is "April showers bring May showers". But I can't complain. The weather is still warm and it has been unbelievably perfect all year!

It's crazy to realize. I'm home in 4 weeks. I'll probably send one more blog entry before the end of the road.

Thanks to all for reading, and commenting throughout the year! Much love!
