Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Update - Knee deep into School

Hey guys!
Just thought I'd give you a VERY QUICK photo update of what I've been up to this week. Yes - actual pictures of me this time!

Sunset a couple of nights ago at 6:01pm

The same sunset half an hour later. Like I said, sunsets last here for an hour!

John and I, about to hit up the town last night! A club here hosts free salsa dancing every Tuesday night, where they bring an instructor in. He teaches until around 9:30 - 10pm, and then the bar is open as a "Latin Dance Party" every Tuesday until close (4-5am). Salsa dancing here is very popular; I can go to various Salsa nights up to 4 times a week around Graz!

Getting dinner ready last night - featuring strip marinated steaks in warm soft shell fajitas, with tomato, lettuce, 10 year old cheddar, hot salsa and baked bread! And in case you're wondering - altogether it cost under 3 euro per person, and it fed 4!

On Sunday Cristel and I went sightseeing on the first real Autumn day here; we are on top of the castle situated on the Graz mountain overlooking the city.

Me! Reppin' the Roots, so people know I am truly a Canadian!

The pathway up the mountain to the castle!

For you architecture nerds out there (cough Rachele) this is one of my favourites - a double helix stairwell. The craftsmanship to forge such a stairwell is unbelievable, and this is one of the really cool things in Graz you would never find unless you were looking for it! Someone posted a video of them walking it here: - if you're interested!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, I hope it was a good one. I had the privelege of skyping my family on Sunday and got to see everyone at home; I even got to talk to my grandparents for a few moments, which was great! Truthfully, I didn't even know it was Thanksgiving weekend until they mentioned it. Time flies here!

My courses are going fantastic - they are ALL in English and I couldn't be happier! Because I was unsure about which arranging course to take, the prof (an American) decided I should take both - why not? It's a lot of work, but I'm up for the challenge!

Another course I didn't plan on taking that I'm currently enrolled in is Systematic Musicology, taught by an Australian professor here. Although the topic may seem rather dull, he is a fascinating teacher with an immense breadth of knowledge, and who is interested only in opening the minds of his students to the amazing areas of music study available; the course is quite exciting. As he also has background in the Sciences, he is constantly referring to the mathematical study of music through physics, which I find very interesting.

So yeah! This weekend it looks like I'll be travelling to Budapest - which I'm very excited about!

And tomorrow there is a party to officially kickstart the year and introduce the ESN (ERASMUS Student Network), which I think will be a lot of fun!

As always, thank you for reading - the positive feedback makes blogging a lot of fun!


1 comment:

  1. That is a WILD stairway! Pretty neat sunsets and mountain paths, too... and you're looking pretty good yourself!
    Tomorrow being International Suit Up Day, will you be dressing with top-notch Kyle Style?
    Enjoy Budapest!
