Friday, January 20, 2012

Video update; and a Guitar!?

Warning: It's Eleven minutes long, and there's really not much actual information. Enjoy!


  1. LOL...Kyle you're too funny! It was fun to watch your video...Yes...all 11 minutes of it. :-) Glad all is going well with you. I'll see your mom tomorrow afternoon, so I'll see if I can find some "pigeon" to serve her with our coffee...hahaha!
    Stay safe and God bless,
    Joy (aka Mrs. Brown, aka "Auntie" Joy, aka Chris's mom!)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Kyle, We are happy just to see signs of life - thanks for the video. For your information (We will speak for ourselves but are probably speaking for the others) we are not sick of your piano playing posts - in fact - we were hoping for another. We are glad you spoke to your grandparents, we are sure they were delighted to hear from you. Is there something wrong with your hair? Is that why the toque or are you freezing? We are all well here. Thanks for the post. Love Mom & Dad

  4. Kyle, Tech problems trying to add our picture. Third time is the charm? Say... you are getting quite good with tech - we like the subtitles on your video :)
