Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Two In One!

Hey Guys!
As my parents often remind me, I'm not updating the blog lately as much as I should be. Well, lots has been going on, so I think it's time to make a giant post for y'all!

To start off, it was my Birthday on March 20th, so thanks for all the well-wishes from a great many people.
I decided as a birthday gift to myself that I'd travel a little bit, and after some consideration the decision was London for 3 days, just to check out the city and get some cultural input from North-west Europe.

I had a great couple of days, met some really interesting people in the hostel I was staying at, and my only minor complaint about London is it's SOO EXPENSIVE! Especially after travelling places like Spain, Croatia, Slovenia, and even Austria. The cost of living there is unbelievably high! Here are some pictures below!!

So that was amazing! I got back on the Friday afternoon, and my flatmates had confirmed that they were going to drive to Venice the next day and asked me if I wanted to join.

So I joined.
Some of the 600 pictures we took are below, just to give you a taste!

So that's some of what I've been up to! Life is pretty amazing, I have to say.

In terms of scholastic updates, I have three large assignments this year due around May 1st. I'm almost done one of them, and am proud to say I'm not falling behind this semester!

Also, April hosts a 20-day Easter Vacation here, which gives me lots of time to get some serious work done.

In other news, my parents are coming in almost exactly one month, which I am very excited about - The warm weather's already here, so I don't know what they're waiting for! haha.

 Something I thought was interesting here is the Daylight Savings switch is on March 25th in Europe. In Canada it's two weeks earlier.... Weird!

Anyways, if you have any comments, concerns, suggestions, the usual, be sure to send them my way!!!
Enjoy the weather as it warms up and remember to stay in School!

Love, Kyle.


  1. Hi Son, Thanks for putting another blog together so we get evidence of your existence. So just a question - You photoshopped yourself in the photo in Venice but did you ever go to London? The photos are so good they must have been cut and pasted from professionals. Where is the link to the birthday music video? Your friends went to a lot of effort to make it - you should share. Looking forward to seeing you in a month. Love Mom and Dad.

  2. PS Could have sworn that plane ticket to London was a birthday gift from your Mom and Dad- not a gift to yourself! How quickly we're forgotten...
