Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Post 3 Weeks in the Making

First off, I need to apologize for how late this post is. I promise this won't become a regular occurrence, I just got behind. So to everyone who was asking about it - I'm the worst friend/son/grandson/haircutter ever.

Speaking of haircuts, as you can see from my pictures below, I'm in desperate need for a cut. There's a Spanish girl here who cuts everyone's hair - I sent her a message for an appointment today! Haha.

So how am I? I'm great! The cold is beginning to set in, but it's still very nice out, and I really don't foresee myself wearing my winter coat for much of the year (my fall one will be more than enough!)

Classes are going; I have a one-on-one with my Arrangement prof on Thursday to look over something I wrote for a nine-piece band that is indicative of the instrumentation Miles Davis used for his album "Birth of the Cool"; what a task! If it's good enough it may get played by a live nine-piece band here; it's an arrangement of "How High The Moon" so please hope for the best! I know I am!

Here's a video of something else from last year - so you've probably heard me play it before! I recorded it today, just to have something for the blog! Hope you enjoy!

Pictures of what's going on over here! With Fall setting in, it was important to get SOME pictures of the changing and falling leaves, before it's too late!

Me in the midst of the fall foliage!

The giant changing tree protruding from the center of the "platz" (plaza).

The Murinsel (because it's on the Mur River, and Insel translates to Island) was built in 2006 after Graz was chosen for European Cultural Capital of the World. It features an ampitheatre, cafe, and it all lights up at night!

The trek up to the Castle on the Hill, Schlossberg.

At the Dom - a very popular Catholic church here in Graz, where many amazing performances and services take place weekly!

In a "forest square", hidden from view, this is one of the most amazing things I've seen since I have arrived in Graz. The trees, with sunlight and when yellow, have an incredible canopy that feels like you're in a yellow-light solarium. The picture truly doesn't do it justice!

Cristel and I, Hallowe'en eve. She is the classic Witch, and I am the "Well-Dressed Gentleman". The Spanish people that we met at a bar were shocked and appalled by our costumes - the Spanish take the "Walking-Dead" mentality to a whole new level!

As always, thanks for reading! Please post comments and such in the comment box below the post!


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