Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Food: Part I

So, I DO want to talk about what the food is like here. And to start off, I want to play a game.
It's called Higher or Lower, and it's based on the "The Price Is Right" game where you are presented with an item, and a price, and given the option "Higher or Lower": is the price higher or lower than the value of the product.

The first item is a bottle of Austrian wine - the bottle I had for dinner.

Storch 2010 Österreich: €4,00 (approx $5.60)
Higher or lower?
Lower. This bottle of local wine cost me €2,50 (approx $3.50)
The exchange rate is approximately €1,00 = CAD$1.40, so I won't keep translating the prices.

Next up: one Spanish Onion from a local market open only one day a week (Saturday); the market is a one minute walk from my residence.

Spanish Onion: €0,50...
Higher or lower?
Lower. A spanish onion here costs €0,10, or $0.14! (okay, I said I wouldn't keep on translating, but that's RIDICULOUS!)
I also bought a large red bell pepper for €0,10. I felt bad giving the lady only €0,20 for both, but she was thrilled that I spoke "Nein Deutsch" and still purchased her produce.
Lastly, a tall-can of the Premium Austrian Beer, Gösser. €1,00.
Higher or lower?
Lower. The premium beer of Austria costs €0,90 for 0,5L ($1.26 for half a litre). With the standard beer size (330mL) that equates to $0.83 for a bottle of the premier beer of Austria. Some beers are €0,35 for 0,5L ($0.23 per bottle). It's unbelievable.
If you caught on - alcohol and produce are much cheaper here in Austria. It is cheaper to buy beer than bottled water here, and everyone that I live with seems to be under the impression of, "If it's cheaper, it's better!"
For dinner tonight, I made "Canadian Italian Spaghetti". Essentially, the spaghetti that my mother makes. I mentioned the onion and red bell pepper; they were ingredients.

My recipe was:

820g Tomato sauce; "Basilico", which means Basil is infused. €2,00
1/2 Spanish onion (onion cost €0,10)
1/2 red bell pepper (red bell pepper cost €0,10)
480g ground beef (€2,80)
1/3 box spaghetti noodle (€0,99)
1/3 loaf of fresh baked Austrian bread (€1,20)
1 Bottle Storch Austrian Wine (€2,50)
Total cost of the dinner (including the cost of leftovers): €9.69.

Although that may sound like an average (if not above average) cost for a dinner at a restaurant, just remember: This fed 4 of us. See below!

Four plates of food and a glass of wine for approx €2.50/ person!

Left to right: John, the other Canadian pianist who is in Graz; he's studying classical.

Guillame, my french floormate, who is currently getting his Master's in Business Administration.

Miguel, one of the many Spaniards here; I still have no idea what he's studying. His major is probably

"Living Life" with a minor in "Saying things I don't understand." Very funny.

A picture of my meal. Looks pretty good, right?

We have agreed that it is better to each cook a big meal twice a week than it is to each scavenge for food every night by ourselves. The guys had nothing but good things to say about my dinner, although Miguel and Guillame thought I could do better with the wine!

In short: Depending on what you are eating, you can find amazing European food for a very low price. Instead of trying to find Canadian equivalences, by exploring native Austrian food, you are able to save a small fortune! Austrian meats and cheeses are very reasonable here; less than half the price of commercial meat and cheese from Canada! I'll post a picture of my specialty soon - Breakfast and lunch is comprised of a baguette slice with salame slices and a native Austrian cheese; dipped in a Ricotta tomato sauce (I think I mentioned it in an earlier blog). It is VERY cheap (somewhere between €0,25-€0,30 to make) and two or three of them are filling. It's a great deal and it tastes great!

Well, like always, thanks for reading! Tomorrow I'll take upwards of 300 pictures of the city and its architecture; Rachele, you will die!

Auf Wiedersehen!


PS sorry about the design editing - It's late, okay!

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