Sunday, September 18, 2011

Summer's Coming to an End!

Although we've had amazing weather here in Graz, as soon as tomorrow the temperature will be dropping to a disappointing 10 degrees. But I really can't complain - it's been perfect weather since my arrival at the beginning of September!

Today I woke up late, had lunch with a friend, and then headed out to the city center, where there is a GIANT festival taking place right now. They block off the area around the two biggest plazas here and the connecting streets. Everyone comes out in their traditional Austrian attire - men with the lederhosen and tracht, and women with their drindl. Street vendors are every 30 ft on either side of the street, selling beer, wine, apfelstrudel (apple strudel), frankfurter, bratwurst, and roasted nuts, along with hundreds of other items; even accordions!

It was great to walk through the streets; they have stages set up for such things as big brass bands, and my favourite; they had traditional Austrian dancing.

Now, you need to understand; Austrians know how to dance. There was one point in one of the dances where two men link arms, and women link to them on the outside. The men then spin as fast as they can, and lift the women off their feet; all four of them are spinning in a giant helicopter motion together. It looks like it requires a LOT of co-ordination... a lot more than I possess.

As for me; My German language course is going very well; I'm learning right from scratch, but I love the language - it uses a completely different part of your voice; sounds I never knew I could make!

I've met soo many people since I've been here. Everyone is very friendly and it's been great to experience all sorts of different cultures through them! Cooking still remains the biggest cultural indicator - people here love cooking for each other, to say "My country has the best traditional food!" Also; soccer gets taken very seriously here (unsurprisingly). People will actually go days without speaking to each other based on the outcome of 'football' matches.

Had I known that thousands were coming to Graz's city streets today I would've brought a camera, but no such luck! All I can say is it felt like I was sent back a couple hundred years to a much younger Graz - except people still wear Converse with their traditional Austrian attire!

Thanks for reading- and if you ever have any questions, just post them in the comment box below! John (the Canadian pianist that I came from Carleton with) is cooking dinner tonight, so I have to go!


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